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If I had a magic admin wand and came into your business, which tasks would you want to disappear? What feels like the biggest drain on your time right now? What do you wish you had more of in your business?

So often, I talk to business owners who tell me:

👉 “There’s just not enough hours in the day to fit everything I need to in.”

👉 “I would ask someone else to do this for me, but I just need to do [a job] first.”

👉 “I’ve been saying I just need to do [a job] for years.”

More often than not, they’re talking about those time-consuming admin tasks that keep stacking up. Relentlessly.

It’s a hurdle nearly everyone in business faces, and one that comes up all the time on calls and in conversations. So, how do we start to overcome this?

Well, there are two questions I ask clients (and often myself) when they seem to be struggling with a case of the justs…

1. How many hours a week are you currently spending on the jobs you don’t enjoy?

It might be jobs like:

  • sending out invoices
  • onboarding new clients
  • promoting your latest blog
  • clearing out your inbox
  • posting content on social media
  • or making travel plans.

Put together a list of everything in your business that leaves you feeling de-energised. Make a note of how long, on average, you spend on each job per week.

This task may well feel like ‘just another admin thing to do’. But what’s important to remember is that having clarity on how much time you’re spending on your admin, allows you to see what’s possible if that admin was taken off your hands. It’s an opportunity to realise that one day, all this time could be spent working in your business rather than on it.

2. What would you do with all this extra time?

If you’d spend this time twiddling your thumbs then it’s possibly not the right time to start handing these jobs over.

But, for most business owners, they have a whole list of clients, jobs and work to do on the business that’s currently being pushed back to fit in around the essential admin jobs that keep their business running smoothly.

So, how would you spend all of this extra time?

If you’re wondering whether now is the right time to start outsourcing or delegating to a VA, get in touch and let’s talk through the jobs that are derailing your focus.

We’d love to help you refocus your energy so you can get on with the work you love and went into business to do.

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